
Key Value Storage

Add a global, low-latency key-value data storage to your Nuxt application.

Getting Started

Enable the key-value storage in your NuxtHub project by adding the kv property to the hub object in your nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  hub: {
    kv: true
This option will use Cloudflare platform proxy in development and automatically create a Cloudflare Workers KV namespace for your project when you deploy it.
Nuxt DevTools KV
NuxtHub Admin KV


Server method that returns an unstorage instance with keys(), get(), set() and del() aliases.


Retrieves all keys from the KV storage (alias of getKeys()).

const keys = await hubKV().keys()

To get the keys starting with a specific prefix, you can pass the prefix as an argument.

const vueKeys = await hubKV().keys('vue')


Retrieves an item from the Key-Value storage (alias of getItem()).

const vue = await hubKV().get('vue')
  year: 2014


Puts an item in the storage (alias of setItem())

await hubKV().set('vue', { year: 2014 })

You can delimit the key with a : to create a namespace:

await hubKV().set('vue:nuxt', { year: 2016 })


Checks if an item exists in the storage (alias of hasItem())

const hasAngular = await hubKV().has('angular')


Delete an item from the storage (alias of removeItem())

await hubKV().del('react')


You can use any other method from unstorage as well.